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*Torah*Internship*Community* in the OLD CITY of Jerusalem

Come live, learn and work this summer in the OLD CITY of Jerusalem!

Join Midreshet Harova and OU-JLIC as we create an exciting social and religious summer community in the Old City of Jerusalem. A once in a lifetime experience!


Who: College students, both men and women.

When: June 18 – August 5 (You must be available for entire duration of the program)

What: Participants will live together in the Old City of Jerusalem, work in an internship of their choice during the day and study Torah in the evenings. Details below.

Cost: $1,500 early bird rate – ends December 13, 2024. Applications received after December 13 – $1,750

The program includes

  • Housing at Midreshet Harova (including WiFi, AC, and kitchen)
  • Health insurance
  • Professional and personalized internship placement in the field of your choice
  • Educational staff and programming
  • Trips exploring Israel
  • Shabbat Meals and Programming
  • Occasional group dinners

Program Overview

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JLIC Summer in Jerusalem (SIJ), Midreshet Harova and Onward Israel offer professional internships during the day and a vibrant evening Beit Midrash program. It offers a full array of teachers, social events and learning opportunities.

  • Spend the summer in the Old City of a Jerusalem – a once in a lifetime experience that you will never forget.
  • Vibrant Beit Midrash: there is a focus on both chevruta learning and shiurim on a variety of topics with amazing teachers from Midreshet Harova, OU-JLIC and all across Israel and America. The learning program is accessible for people who are interested in a more text-based traditional learning style.
  • Internship program designed to build your resume and develop work skills. Our professional internship team will find you a great summer internship!
  • Incredible weekend excursions across Israel.
  • Fun social programming to explore Jerusalem and build community.

Sample Weekly Beit Midrash Schedule

2024 Staff

We are honored to partner with Midreshet Harova and their educational staff, led by Rabbi David Milstone.


Director of the Overseas Program at Midreshet HaRova

Rabbi Menachem Schrader studied at Yeshivat Har Etzion and Yeshiva University. He has a BA in Philosophy from YU, an MA in History from NYU, and received his Smicha from Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. He was on the Torah studies faculty of Yeshivat Hamivtar, teaching Talmud, Bible, and Halachah. He was the director of the Aliza Flatow program at Nishmat. In the year 2000 he founded the Orthodox Union’s Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus of the Orthodox Union.


Program Directors

Isaac Selter grew up in Wesley Hills, NY, attended Frisch for high school, and learned in Yeshivat Hakotel. He then received his undergraduate degree in Mathematics and Judaic Studies from Yeshiva College and his Semicha from Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. In addition, he holds a Teacher's certificate from Herzog College, taught at Orot Etzion in Gush Etzion,and serves as the Managing Editor at Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought. Isaac now learns and teaches Torah at Machon Zimrat Ha’aretz, a communal Beit Midrash located in Efrat. Aside from learning and teaching, Isaac enjoys hiking in Israel, playing piano, and reading about history. Shira Selter has a Bachelor of Education in Tanach and Jewish History from Herzog College in Israel. Prior to this, she studied at Nishmat for a year. During her national service, Shira volunteered as a program director for Livnot U'Lehibanot in Tzfat, where she organized and led Jewish identity programs for college-aged participants from overseas. She served as a madricha at Midreshet Amudim, as well as a teaching assistant at MMY and at Midreshet Amudim. Shira has taught middle schoolers in Efrat, and is currently pursuing her M.A. in Tanach at Bar-Ilan University. Isaac and Shira, and their 2-year-old son Yehuda, are excited to spend the summer learning, teaching, and connecting with students at SIJ@Harova!


Participants will live around the Old City of Jerusalem in Midreshet Harova apartments.
