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Founding Director, OU-JLIC

Rabbi Menachem Schrader studied at Yeshivat Har Etzion and Yeshiva University. He has a BA in Philosophy from YU, an MA in History from NYU, and received his Smicha from Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. He was on the Torah studies faculty of Yeshivat Hamivtar, teaching Talmud, Bible, and Halachah. He was the director of the Aliza Flatow program at Nishmat. In the year 2000 he founded the Orthodox Union’s Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus of the Orthodox Union.


Director of OU-JLIC Israel

Rabbi Shulman is the director of Summer in Jerusalem, OU-JLIC in Israel and Yavneh. He lives in Jerusalem with his wife Jenny and their three kids. He loves to learn Torah, hike, do yoga and bake bread.


Director of Summer Programs for OU-JLIC

Yonina (Silverman) Rosenthal originally from New Jersey, now lives with her husband Gabi in Jerusalem. Yonina holds a bachelors in Psychology and Judaic Studies from Hunter College. She spent many summers at Camp Stone where she has strengthened her love for Torah and informal education in her many different roles. Yonina has a master’s in nonprofit management from Hebrew University and is working towards getting a second master’s degree in Jewish Education. She is also part of the Nachshon Project Graduate fellowship which has helped her get to where she is today. With her past work experience as a placement coordinator from Onward Israel, Yonina is very much looking forward to giving future participants an unparalleled experience on the JLIC summer programs in Israel.


Logistics Manager & Internship Coordinator

Atira (Zeitchik) Berger is originally from Riverdale, NY and went to SAR High School, followed by a gap year at Nishmat. She then attended Stern College where she double majored in Psychology and Judaic Studies. After graduating Stern, Atira made aliyah to Jerusalem and spent a year working as a madricha at Midreshet TVA. Atira is very passionate about informal education, and she has been involved in Bnei Akiva both during the school year as well as over many summers. Atira is excited about continuing to pursue this passion by joining the JLIC Summer team!


Associate Director of Community Projects, JLIC

Hani received a BA from the Stern College for Women Honors program, and an MA from the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Yeshiva University. During the over eight years that she has worked for JLIC, she has coordinated successful programs, crafted innovative curricula and created engaging PR materials and publications. Hani was born in Connecticut and grew up In Washington, DC. She lives in Israel with her husband and five boys.


Recruitment Coordinator

Sarah Smart earned her BA from Cornell University, majoring in Psychology and Near Eastern Studies. After graduating, she worked in the Yachad Summer Department at the Orthodox Union before making Aliyah to Jerusalem. Sarah has been involved in informal education and Jewish communal events for many years, including serving the Jewish community at Cornell and working for Yachad Summer as counselor and Assistant Program Director. During her tenure at Cornell, she spent several years as a fellow in JLIC's Yavneh on Campus program, including working as the Co-Chair of their National Board for two years.


Internship Coordinator

Shira Roth originally from Cleveland, Ohio, now lives in Givat Shmuel, Israel. After graduating high school from Fuchs Mizrachi School, she spent her gap year studying at Midreshet Nishmat and made Aliyah during that year. Shira then served two years of Sherut Leumi at Nefesh B’Nefesh. She is now studying Human Resources Management at Bar Ilan University and is involved with JLIC in the Bar Ilan/Givat Shmuel community. Shira has a lot of experience being involved with Bnei Akiva and has spent many summers at Camp Stone where her love for Torah and informal education grew. Shira is very exciting about working with the JLIC Summer team!


Internship Coordinator

Maya is originally from New Jersey and currently lives in Jerusalem, working as a madricha at MMY. She went to Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School, followed by a gap year at MMY. She attended Queens College where she majored in Psychology and minored in Business and Jewish Studies. She spent her first summer of college as a participant on SIJ TVA and later worked as a madricha on SIJ Harova after graduating. She’s really looking forward to her new role as Internship Coordinator for the JLIC summer programs! Maya is very excited to help provide college students with a meaningful summer in Israel.


Internship Coordinator

Roni is originally from Chicago and went to Ida Crown Jewish Academy. She then spent a year and a half at MMY. Roni studied Psychology at Stern and then made aliya to Jerusalem. She has since worked as a rakezet and is currently the eim bayit for gap year students at Midreshet Moria. Roni is happy to be able to help students enjoy their various experiences in Israel at both of her jobs.


Internship Coordinator

Miriam Levi is originally from New York and went to Bruriah High School, followed by a gap year at Midreshet Harova. She then made aliyah and did a year of sherut leumi at Shaarei Tzedek Hospital. Miriam is currently living in Jerusalem while pursuing a degree in nursing at Machon Tal.


Volunteer Trip Program Director

Ilana Bauman Waxman is a passionate educator and community builder with years of formal and informal Jewish education experience. She is graduating with a Master’s in Social Work this summer, and has studied in advanced Beit Midrash programs including GPATS, Tagel, and Pardes. She previously taught Sciences and Judaics and directed Student Activities and Israel Guidance at Bi-Cultural Hebrew Academy of Connecticut Upper School. She spent many years working for NCSY and has led numerous trips to Israel through Birthright, NCSY, and OU-JLIC. Ilana has participated in various Jewish education fellowships, including the Prizmah Rising Orthodox Female Educational Leaders Fellowship, among others. She was very involved in her Young Professionals Jewish community in New York City, and also volunteered as a Yavneh-YP mentor for other communities. Ilana earned a B.S. in Biology and NEJS (Near Eastern and Judaic Studies) from Brandeis University, where she served in multiple leadership roles within the campus Jewish community, including Hillel President. She also spent two months studying healthcare in Madagascar. Prior to attending university, Ilana studied at Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim (MMY) in Jerusalem. Ilana grew up in Silver Spring, MD and recently made Aliya! She and her husband Noam live in Jerusalem, and are so excited to welcome y’all to Israel this summer!